Nomadic Stacked Sofas

The Versatile Bidoun Mattress Furniture by Traffic

The ‘Bidoun’ mattress furniture collection is for the modern day nomad. Designed by Dubai design studio Traffic, the Bidoun mattress furniture consists of sofas, ottomans and tables made out of stacked mattresses that are held together by cord.

Designed for the event ArtPark at ArtDubai 2009, the Bidoun mattress furniture collection was inspired by nomadic Arabs (or Bedouins). And you can tell that just by looking at the pieces, which all incorporate the stacking method and cord affixation used by the Bedouins.
Trend Themes
1. Stacked Mattress Furniture - Designing furniture that incorporates stacked mattresses provides a versatile and adaptable solution for modern nomadic lifestyles.
2. Cord Affixation - Implementing cord affixation as a design element in furniture creates a unique and visually interesting aesthetic.
3. Nomadic-inspired Designs - Drawing inspiration from nomadic cultures offers opportunities to create furniture that is both functional and culturally significant.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - Incorporating stacked mattress furniture and cord affixation techniques into furniture design results in innovative and versatile product offerings.
2. Interior Design - Implementing nomadic-inspired designs in interior spaces provides an opportunity to create unique and visually striking environments.
3. Art and Home Decor - Using stacked mattress furniture and cord affixation techniques in art and home decor products allows for the creation of unconventional and eye-catching pieces.

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