Internet-Inspired Watercolor Paintings

Social Media Influences Between Friends by Dan Gluibizzi

The art exhibit titled Between Friends by Dan Gluibizzi, an artist hailing from Portland and based in New York, is inspired by the Internet. In particular, it takes cues from images from Tumblr as well as how people pose for photos taken for social media sites. Whether depicting innocent selfies or more racy portraits fit for a nudie magazine, the collection is tied together by way of his chosen medium: watercolor paint.

Giving the images an anonymous appeal, Between Friends by Dan Gluibizzi addresses the idea of intimacy on a number of levels. He writes, "We live in a world dominated by social media; everything is constantly 'between friends.' That term is sort of slightly nefarious, something's going on, it's between friends. Or, we're in this time of data collection and what is private?"
Trend Themes
1. Social Media Art - Artists are finding inspiration from social media platforms to create unique artwork.
2. Anonymous Appeal - Artists are utilizing anonymity in their work to address issues of intimacy and privacy in the age of social media.
3. Watercolor Revolution - Artists are pushing the boundaries with the use of watercolor paint to create innovative pieces that challenge traditional art forms.
Industry Implications
1. Art - The art industry has an opportunity to embrace social media and technology to create unique, cutting-edge works that can appeal to younger generations.
2. Technology - The technology industry can learn from the ways in which artists are utilizing social media and anonymity to address important social and cultural issues.
3. Marketing and Advertising - Marketing and advertising industries could benefit from the use of watercolors in branding and advertising campaigns, as a way to stand out from traditional marketing strategies.

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