Simple Scenery Photography

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Bernat Fortet Captures a Unique Vision

Bernat Fortet is a Spanish artist and photographer who sees things differently by taking pictures of the most ordinary things. The images feature cracks in the wall that people would normally pay no attention to, along with blades of grass and weeds in breathtaking lighting.

The Bernat Fortet images are from his collections 'Color Hunting Barcelona,' which looks at different textures and 'Absroplants,' which is where the plants and lighting make a surrealist world.
Trend Themes
1. Minimalism Photography - There is an opportunity for photographers to capture beauty in seemingly ordinary things by using the principles of minimalism.
2. Abstract Nature Photography - The use of lighting and framing in nature photography can create surreal and otherworldly images that capture the imagination of viewers.
3. Texture-based Photography - Photographers can focus on the textures and patterns found in everyday objects and surfaces to create visually interesting and unique images.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Photography - There is an opportunity for artists and photographers to create unique and visually stunning collections by experimenting with different approaches to subject matter and style.
2. Advertising and Marketing - Brands can use the principles of minimalism and abstract nature photography to create striking and memorable visuals for their advertising campaigns.
3. Interior Design - Texture-based photography can be used to create distinct and eye-catching wall art pieces that add depth and interest to interior spaces.

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