Cut-and-Paste Landscapes

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Bernardita Aris Creates Unusual Scenery with Her Curious Collages

Not satisfied with the way reality presents itself, artist Bernardita Aris takes things into her own hands and chops up images to create altogether new landscapes.

Her interesting cut-and-paste method of artwork allows her to have complete creative control over every element in her compositions, however she does not go crazy with the collage concept. Each image actually has the appearance of a complete photograph, yet the longer the viewer looks, the more they begin to notice discrepancies in the physical nature of the image.

Through her slice-and-stick process, artist Bernardita Aris adds depth to her images and achieves a certain sense of character to her artwork that wouldn't be fulfilled with a normal photograph.
Trend Themes
1. Collage Artwork - Cut-and-paste method creates new landscapes through collage, paving the way for artists to embody their unique perspectives.
2. Creative Control - Complete creative control in the collage process highlights opportunity for artists to create unconventional, yet stunning artwork.
3. Sense of Character - Collages allow for a sense of character to be present in artwork that may be difficult to achieve in traditional photography.
Industry Implications
1. Arts and Entertainment - The rising trend of collage artwork offers new avenues for artists to experiment and showcase their unique perspectives in the industry.
2. Graphic Design - Collage art could inspire graphic designers to create unique and unconventional design styles.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Collage art could offer a fresh and innovative way to create eye-catching advertisements and marketing materials.

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