$27 Million Replica

Beijing Da Shui Fa Fountain

For about $28 million dollars, this overwhelming model of the Da Shui Fa (Grand Waterworks) Fountain can be yours.

Its composition consists of an opulent combination of luxury minerals including gold, diamonds, sapphires, rubies, pearls, jades, crystals, and emeralds.

The original garden is located near Beijing University, and was originally found at Yuanming Yuan (Garden of Perfect Splendour) or Summer Palace as its better known.

The replica will be sold at auction for charity.
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Replicas - Creating luxury replicas of famous landmarks and monuments using opulent materials.
2. Charitable Auctions - Hosting luxury charity auctions to raise money for good causes.
3. Heritage Preservation - Preserving cultural heritage through the creation of replica artifacts and landmarks using modern technology and materials.
Industry Implications
1. Luxury Goods - The luxury goods industry can capitalize on creating high-end replicas of famous landmarks and monuments using precious materials and gemstones.
2. Non-profit and Charity - Non-profit organizations and charities can host luxury auctions to raise funds for their causes, featuring high-end luxury items and unique experiences.
3. Tourism and Hospitality - Hospitality and tourism industries can use luxury replicas as attractions. Visitors can experience the glamour and opulence of these recreated landmarks and monuments.

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