Adult Beer Float Cocktails

The Boozy Ginger Beer Beverage is Nostalgically Topped with Ice Cream

This Boozy Ginger Beer Float recipe by lifestyle blog Broma Bakery offers an adult-friendly version of the iconic root beer float comfort drink with slightly more sophisticated and mature ingredients that will please a more mature palette. The drink contains added alcohol as well, as a fun cocktail spin on the classic children's dessert drink.

While the Boozy Ginger Beer Float might look the same in appearance to a conventional root beer float, the differences lie in the ingredients used that come together to form more robust and rich aromas. For example, the drink is made using bitter ginger beer and lime juice rather than root beer for a more tangy taste. The drink is topped with rum for added sweetness and a pint of vanilla ice cream that turns the drink's texture creamy as it continues to melts.
Trend Themes
1. Adult Beverage Desserts - Opportunity for creative food and beverage combinations in the dessert space by incorporating traditional adult beverages with classic desserts
2. Mature Ingredient Cocktails - Develop mature and sophisticated drinks by using premium ingredients and combining them into classic and iconic cocktails
3. Boozy Twists on Children's Drinks - Innovative cocktails with a playful twist on beloved non-alcoholic beverages
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels, bars and restaurants can innovate their drink menus with these adult beverage desserts and mature ingredient cocktails
2. Beverage - Opportunity for beverage companies to create new product lines by bringing unique adult flavors to classic dessert beverages
3. Alcohol - Liquor companies can develop the perfect ingredients that blend into non-alcoholic beverages seamlessly and creates a new drinking experience.

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