Private Bedroom Photography

This Series Reflects on the Changes That Technology Has Brought on

Known for his poignant artistic endeavors, Lucas Zimmermann has revealed a bedroom photography series that expertly reveals the changes to nighttime routines that technology has brought about.

The artist used different young adults as his subjects -- some single and some in relationships -- to reveal his message. The bedroom photography shows the moments, minutes or hours before the subjects fall asleep and how they spend those hours -- on their cellphones like most of us often are. Where reading, talking to loved ones or watching TV used to be the norm before bedtime, now it is the use of cellphones that is most common.

This photography series was created to make a statement about the disruptions, both positive and negative, that smartphones have brought to people's daily routines.
Trend Themes
1. Bedroom Technology - Opportunities for creating products that mitigate the negative effects of technology in the bedroom.
2. Nighttime Routine Disruption - Opportunities for creating products that disrupt the negative effects of screen time before bed.
3. Digital Detoxification - Opportunities for creating services and products that facilitate unplugging from technology before bedtime.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - The health industry can create technology to help people combat the negative effects of nighttime cellphone use on sleep.
2. Smart Home - Smart home companies can integrate features to encourage healthier nighttime routines and better sleep, such as dimming lights or playing calming music.
3. Tourism - Tourism companies can create retreats or experiences that facilitate digital detoxification and encourage better sleep habits.

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