DIY Light-Up Scarves

Becky Stern's Chameleon LED Scarves Adapt to Any Color They Scan

With Becky Stern's new light-up scarves you can flaunt a different color every day according to how you feel. By scanning a colorful object, such as a green apple, these Chameleon Scarves' LED lights adapt to that color. They flash in that color until the next object is scanned.

The best part of these light-up scarves is that they can be created at home with little money coming out of your wallet. By using a ruffled scarf and inserting a string of LED lights into the fabric, you can have your very own light-up Chameleon Scarf. To get the color-changing effect, a Flora color sensor is used, which scans every color and tells the LED lights which hue to adopt.

With these scarves you'll never have to buy another scarf again.
Trend Themes
1. Color-adapting LED Accessories - The trend of color-adapting LED accessories allows for customizable fashion experiences.
2. DIY Wearable Electronics - The trend of DIY wearable electronics empowers individuals to create personalized and interactive clothing items.
3. Smart Fashion Technology - The trend of smart fashion technology integrates intelligent features into clothing and accessories.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can leverage color-adapting LED accessories to offer innovative and customizable products.
2. Electronics - The electronics industry can explore opportunities in providing DIY wearable electronics components and kits.
3. Technology - The technology industry can develop smart fashion technology solutions to enhance user experiences and functionality.

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