Historical Pharaoh Cosmetics

Cleopatra's Beauty Regime Inspired Organic Pharmacy's Honey Scrub

Cleopatra might be most well-known for her days reigning as the female pharaoh of Ancient Egypt, but her beauty regime is also a popular secret to using natural products to obtain silky smooth skin. The queen's routine is the inspiration behind The Organic Pharmacy's Cleopatra's Body Scrub blend that recreates the same product she use to apply to polish her body. The blend contains all-natural ingredients with a base of honey and sugar to help exfoliate and moisturize.

The scrub is a modern take on Cleopatra's ancient recipe that uses honey and sugar to create an abrasive scrub that polishes the skin and removes dead skin cells. The honey acts as a natural hydrating product that soothes the skin and provides rejuvenation. The Organic Pharmacy's potted version also includes salt and rose petals for a sweet scent.
Trend Themes
1. Organic Cosmetics - Creating beauty products with all-natural ingredients like honey and sugar as a base for exfoliation could disrupt the cosmetics market.
2. Historical Beauty Regimes - Discovering and using ancient beauty secrets could steer the beauty industry towards natural and sustainable ingredients and production methods.
3. Sustainable Personal Care - Using organic and sustainable ingredients and packaging, such as honey, salt and rose petals, could revolutionize the personal care industry.
Industry Implications
1. Cosmetics - The organic cosmetics industry could benefit from incorporating all-natural ingredients and traditional beauty secrets in their product lines.
2. Beauty Care - Researching and utilizing ancient beauty regimes could open up opportunities for new sustainable beauty care products, which focus on organic and natural ingredients.
3. Fashion and Beauty - Bringing traditional and ancient beauty regimes into the world of fashion and beauty could create a niche for sustainable and natural personal care products and practices.

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