Clubbing Via Webcam

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Not all of us are privileged enough to live in stumbling distance of the world's hottest club cities, and none of us can be in all of these cities at once--without b@.

b@ is an interactive website that aggregates streaming video feeds from dozens of global venues. According to b@, their partners include the top 50 DJs in the world as well as the most influential music promoters and venues from Ibiza to Singapore and New York City. Each venue is equipped with four webcams to stream the club scene as it unfolds.

A free membership to b@ unlocks this footage as well as a number of other social networking features. b@ users can tag themselves in a video, embed video in profiles and websites, send video links to friends, upload their own music, and connect with fellow clubgoers.

The video above is from Swedish House Mafia at Gatecrasher in May 2008.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Clubbing - The trend of experiencing the nightclub scene through virtual platforms presents opportunities for immersive online experiences and virtual reality integration.
2. Streaming Entertainment - The rise of streaming video platforms like b@ opens up possibilities for live event broadcasting and on-demand entertainment.
3. Social Clubbing - The integration of social networking features into clubbing experiences allows for enhanced user engagement and community building.
Industry Implications
1. Nightlife and Entertainment - The nightlife and entertainment industry can leverage virtual clubbing trends to reach a wider audience and enhance customer experiences.
2. Streaming Technology - The streaming technology industry can benefit from the increased demand for high-quality live streaming solutions for events and performances.
3. Social Networking - Social networking platforms and apps have the opportunity to tap into the social clubbing trend by providing virtual clubbing features and interactive experiences.

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