Pop Culture Monster Orbs (UPDATE)

Barry Wazzy Melds Pokemon with Other Geek Staples

Barry Wazzy previously gave the world realistic looking images of pokeballs, but he wasn’t done dazzling viewers’ eyes. Rather than making more elemental pokeballs by manipulating stock photos of orbs, he’s moved onto creating pop culture-themed pokeball mash-ups. There are now Legend of Zelda, Superman, Iron Man, Green Lantern, Spider-Man and Transformers-inspired monster capturing devices to go along with all the other pre-existing Pokemon gadgets. Somewhere in the world, a geek is giggling with glee.

Though it doesn’t make much logical sense, Barry Wazzy’s creations are impressive nonetheless as he finds inventive ways to incorporate other pop culture characters into the Pokemon franchise. An image of Link on a stallion can be seen reflecting off the surface of one pokeball, while Superman is standing atop his respective device. Spider-Man’s pokeball has web-like designs engraved onto it while the button on Iron Man’s pokeball is his infamous Arc Reactor.
Trend Themes
1. Pop Culture-themed Monster Orbs - There's a potential for further collaboration with other pop culture franchises to be made into pokeball mash-ups.
2. Realistic-looking Monster Capturing Devices - Incorporating more realistic and detailed designs of the pokeballs can enhance the gamer's experience.
3. Fusion of Multiple Franchises - There's an opportunity to create new gameplays where multiple franchises are tied into one game.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - Game developers can feature more creative monster capturing devices in their games.
2. Entertainment - Movie and TV production companies could collaborate with game developers to introduce new content and franchise mash-ups.
3. Toys and Collectibles - Toy manufacturers can create limited edition pokeball replicas modeled from designs of the ones in the game.

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