Street Art Body Ink

Banksy Tattoos

When I started researching Banksy Tattos, I thought it would be a bit of a struggle - but I was SO wrong.

It appears having tattoos inspired by Banksy's graffiti is actually very common. If you got one thinking you would have something ‘different’ then sorry to burst your bubble!

I think the tattoo with the wall detail behind it is massively over egging the pudding, on all fronts!

My dirty little secret is that I have a street art tattoo myself. I have a Pure Evil Bunny, or should I say Pure Evil Bummy (no, you can’t see a picture).
Trend Themes
1. Art-inspired Tattoos - The trend of tattoos inspired by famous street art can be leveraged by tattoo artists and galleries to attract customers and create unique designs.
2. Graffiti-inspired Clothing - Companies in the fashion industry can innovate by incorporating famous street art designs into their clothing, offering a new way for consumers to express their love for street art.
3. Street Art Tourism - Cities with a vibrant street art scene can capitalize on the trend by promoting street art tours and attractions that showcase the works of popular street artists like Banksy.
Industry Implications
1. Tattoo Industry - Tattoo artists and shops can tap into the trend by offering customized street art tattoo designs for customers who want unique and meaningful body art.
2. Art Galleries - Galleries can showcase street art as a legitimate art form and offer prints of famous graffiti pieces for collectors and fans to purchase.
3. Fashion Industry - Clothing companies can collaborate with street artists to deliver unique and edgy designs that cater to the growing demand for street art-inspired fashion.

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