Obsessively Organized Foods

Blogger Austin Radcliffe Visually Depicts Neatly Stacked Foods

Curator Austin Radcliffe's blog Things Organized Neatly is filled with image submissions of various objects organized into neat and structured arrangements. Radcliffe manages these images and uploads them on his Tumblr blog for others to enjoy.

Some of the most interesting submissions on Things Organized Neatly include the food-related images that organize stacked, jumbled or disarrayed food items. Things like boxes of Froot Loop cereal and hamburger toppings are pulled apart and arranged in systematic colors, forms and size.

Some might say that Radcliffe's blog visually explores what it's like to have an obsessive compulsive disorder with everyday items. While this may be the case, I think the blog also looks into breaking down larger scale items into tiny compartmentalize parts that are generally interesting to look at.
Trend Themes
1. Organized Food Trends - The trend of organizing and visually depicting stacked, jumbled or disarrayed food items for aesthetic purposes in social media.
2. Hyper-organization Trends - The trend of hyper-organization of small everyday objects through visually pleasing arrangements for social media contexts.
3. Compulsive Organization Trends - The trend of exploring obsessive-compulsive disorder-like tendencies to organize everyday items into neat and structured arrangements for visual appeal.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Industry - Innovations in the way food is presented and displayed for commercial purposes through the use of organized, aesthetic and visually pleasing arrangements.
2. Social Media Industry - Creating or adapting new social media platforms that support the hyper-organization of small everyday objects organized for pleasing visual arrangement.
3. Psychology Industry - Furthering research on the psychological relationship of the human brain in regards to the trend of hyper-organization of everyday objects into visually pleasing forms.

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