Haunting Pop Culture Blizzards

The Surprise Atlanta Snow Storm Had the City Looking Zombified

The Atlanta snow storm was one of the stranger weather related stories so far this year. The south isn’t used to getting the white stuff, so when a surprise snow storm hit the city, it caused widespread panic.

AMC’s The Walking Dead is renowned for using realistic depictions of the places that the characters are inhabiting, albeit in a zombified outbreak kind of way. One of the big locales in The Walking Dead is Atlanta and one particular image from the series has always been popular.

The picture of Rick riding a horse down the wrong side of the road while people frantically try and escape the city is has been shown to be almost exactly like what happened in the freak snowstorm, minus Rick himself, of course. An Atlanta snow storm may be just as bad a zombie epidemic.
Trend Themes
1. Climate Change Adaptation - Businesses that provide products and services to prepare for and adapt to extreme weather conditions can thrive.
2. Pop Culture and Reality - Incorporating elements from popular culture into real-life events can create engagement and interest among audiences.
3. Emergency Management - Companies that offer emergency preparedness training and response services can attract customers concerned about weather-related crises.
Industry Implications
1. Insurance - The insurance industry can create innovative policies that cover businesses and individuals in cases of extreme weather phenomena.
2. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can use real-life events as inspiration for new content that caters to audiences interested in pop culture.
3. Consulting - Consulting firms that specialize in emergency management can help businesses and organizations develop strategies to mitigate the impact of extreme weather phenomena.

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