Animal-Attacking Artwork

Andrew Pommier's At The Time of Fear Series is Frightening

If you have a tendency to be easily frightened, you may want to brace yourself before browsing through the At The Time Of Fear art series. Granted, it is not that scary, but the title itself may get your heart pumping as you imagine all the horrible things it might entail.

Illustrated by Andrew Pommier, At The Time Of Fear centers around surreal portraits that seem to portray people in a state of, well, fear. Covered in animals, rather abstract patterns and more, there is definitely a sense of suspense. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Trend Themes
1. Surreal Portraits - Opportunity for innovative artists to push the boundaries of traditional portraiture by incorporating abstract elements and animal motifs.
2. Emotional Art - Chance for artists to explore themes of fear and suspense in their work, creating a powerful emotional impact on viewers.
3. Animal-inspired Art - Potential for artists to utilize animals as a source of inspiration, creating unique and captivating artwork.
Industry Implications
1. Art & Design - Innovations in art techniques and mediums can drive the growth of the art industry and attract new audiences.
2. Galleries & Exhibitions - Opportunity for galleries and exhibition spaces to showcase thought-provoking and emotionally charged artwork that engages viewers.
3. Art Therapy - Potential for art therapy practitioners to incorporate animal motifs and exploration of fear into therapeutic practices for individuals dealing with anxiety or trauma.

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