Hyperreal Wrinkle Paintings

Edie Nadelhaft Paints What Artist Hands Look Like

Artist hands tend to be full of calluses and overworked from the constant use of clay and paint brushes. New York-based artist Edie Nadelhaft's created a series of paintings that look like up-close photographs of hands. Her hyperreal series is aptly titled 'Flesh' and makes reference to different artists' hands.

Their hands are full of contours, lines and skin folds from years of hard work in the creative industry. However, they can be easily related to anyone whose career involves manual labor. The paintings are a unique and microscopic approach to our biological surfaces. They are meant to send a strong message of the "vitality and vulnerability that characterize the human's physical existence."

The artist also makes a point to show the worn hands as a positive aspect because in today's digital world there is less hands-on work -- unless using your fingertips and thumbs to type and text counts.
Trend Themes
1. Hyperreal Art - Creating hyperrealistic artworks that mimic the appearance of up-close photographs.
2. Representation of Hands - Exploring the visual representation of hands in art, emphasizing the unique characteristics that result from years of hard work.
3. Connection Between Art and Labor - Highlighting the connection between manual labor and the creative industry through artistic depictions of hands.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Arts - Exploring new techniques and mediums for creating hyperrealistic art.
2. Fashion/apparel - Incorporating realistic hand motifs into clothing designs, emphasizing the value of labor.
3. Technology - Developing digital tools and applications that allow for realistic depictions of hands in virtual spaces.

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