Transitionary Morale Documentaries

Documentary Shows POVs on Interacting with Artificial Life

Kingyo Kingdom is a documentary that contemplates the human point of view and responsibilities on recent genetic engineering and the subsequent artificial life creations. The documentary showcases the lives, living habitats and the presentation of the genetically manipulated goldfish in Japan.

There are some rather thought-provoking scenes in the movie about the packaging of the goldfish in order for shipments. The movie makes the audience wonder: even though people have engineered these beings, does that give them the right to look at them as "living products?"

Since society is so used to perceiving things it creates as products, this new form of human-made creation is a recent and contemplative one. The documentary successfully makes the audience wonder how this new perception would affect its emotion and behaviors.
Trend Themes
1. Artificial Life Ethics - The trend of exploring the ethical implications of artificial life creation, including genetic engineering and its impact on society.
2. Human Responsibility for Technology - The trend of questioning who is responsible for the ethical implications of artificial life creations, including the role of individuals, businesses, and governing bodies.
3. Animal Welfare in Genetic Engineering - The trend of exploring the welfare of animals in genetic engineering and artificial life creation, including their treatment as 'living products'.
Industry Implications
1. Bioengineering - The bioengineering industry has the opportunity to address ethical concerns regarding artificial life and genetic engineering and create more responsible technologies while ensuring animal welfare.
2. Film and Entertainment - The film and entertainment industry can continue to produce educational documentaries that explore ethical issues such as the impact of genetic engineering and artificial life on society.
3. Aquaculture - In the aquaculture industry, there is an opportunity to address animal welfare concerns surrounding genetically manipulated aquatic animals and improve their living conditions and treatment.

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