Shakespearean Sales

The Marketing Campaign for Aroma Rich Juliette Helps You Find Your Romeo

"Which Romeo would you want to fall in love with?" is the question that's been driving the marketing campaign for Aroma Rich Juliette, a new brand of fabric softener, and funnily enough it's working!

The idea of using sexual appeal as the motivating factor for a purchase is as old as the 1920s penny ads the method first appeared in. Aroma Rich Juliette hopes to up the ante, however, with their newest marketing campaign that actually delivers your romantic crush. The aromatic fabric softener is aimed at single women who fantasize about being someone's "Juliette" for an evening -- in this case, the Romeos are mostly foreign models who hope to meet their Japanese darling. A vote will eventually be held to not only determine which of the models is 'The Next Romeo,' but which Aroma Rich customer will be escorted by him. The winner will live the product's fantasy for an evening spent at the theater, watching a performance of the actual Romeo and Juliet.
Trend Themes
1. Sexual Marketing - Using sexual appeal to motivate purchases in marketing campaigns.
2. Fantasy Fulfillment - Creating products that fulfill consumers' fantasies.
3. Consumer-driven Competitions - Hosting consumer-driven competitions to engage with the brand's target audience.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Goods - Opportunities for fabric softener and related products to tap into consumer desire for fantasy fulfillment.
2. Marketing - Innovative and provocative marketing strategies tapping into consumer sexuality and aspirations.
3. Entertainment - Collaborations with entertainment industries to enhance consumers' experiences with the brand.

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