Wood-Labelled Gins

This Apple Gin Comes in a Bottle That Combines a Modern Look with a Rustic One

These apple gin bottles manage to combine natural aesthetics with contemporary ones to perfectly represent their contents.

The alcoholic drink by 'Thatchers Cider' was designed by the creative agency 'CookChick.' Called 'Thatchers Orchard Cut Apple Gin,' the alcoholic beverage is infused with fruity flavors that are not often found in other gins. The bottles themselves are short, stout and curved in shape -- made up mostly of glass. Their most captivating feature is the fact that their labels come in a triangular shape and are made from wood rather than paper or plastic.

This apple gin has a label that perfectly captures the drink's orchard background in a way that has not been done by other similar brands.
Trend Themes
1. Natural-contemporary Aesthetics - Combining natural aesthetics with contemporary ones to create a unique visual appeal.
2. Triangular Wood Labels - Using wood as a material for labels, offering a rustic and environmentally-friendly alternative to traditional paper or plastic labels.
3. Fruit-infused Gins - Creating gins infused with fruity flavors that differentiate them from traditional gin offerings.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverage - Opportunity to create innovative packaging designs for alcoholic beverages that combine natural and contemporary aesthetics, such as using wood labels.
2. Creative Agency - Opportunity for creative agencies to develop unique branding and packaging concepts for alcoholic beverage products, incorporating natural elements like wood labels.
3. Craft Distilleries - Opportunity for craft distilleries to differentiate their gin products by infusing them with unique fruity flavors, appealing to consumers looking for new taste experiences.

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