Apple Ad Assaults

Apple Continues PC Bashing With New Campaign

Another Mac advertisement showing Apple’s overwhelming ability to overpower a PC really goes to show how strong these ads really are.

In the latest installment of the advertisement assault, Mac manages to eliminate all PC options for a potential customer, leaving her with one choice (yes, you guessed it).

The advertisements, dating back to 2006, continuously reason with consumers (quite well actually) why owning an Apple computer is simply a better choice.

With its back against the advertisement ropes, we can all wait patiently (or expect) a PC rebuttal (cough...Microsoft).
Trend Themes
1. Apple Mac Advertising - There is an opportunity for other tech brands to create their own debate-style ads in response to Apple Mac's PC bashing ads.
2. Brand Rivalries - The trend of playful brand rivalries in advertising could expand beyond the tech industry, providing other brands and industries with an opportunity to create similarly playful marketing.
3. Consumer Choice Education - An opportunity exists for businesses to create ads that educate consumers on their choices in order to help them make more informed purchasing decisions.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Companies in the technology industry could play up the rivalries between their brands to create more engaging advertising and reach new audiences.
2. Marketing - The trend of debate-style advertising could lead to a rise in more playful and engaging marketing campaigns across all industries with consumers as the target audience.
3. Consumer Electronics - Consumer electronics companies could create engaging campaigns that educate consumers on their product offerings and the reasons why their products are superior.

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