Documentary Style Animal Portraits

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Annie Marie Musselman Captures a Different Perspective

Annie Marie Musselman captures the soul of her subject rather than their look. Animals are often arresting because they act cute or appear strange, but she has decided to go beyond the physicalities of different species to show their emotion al state as much as portraits of humans do. More than that, she "strive[s] to confront the destructive side of human impact on the survival of all wild creatures," as stated on her website.

Born in Seattle, Washington, Annie Marie Musselman concentrates on photographing animals in various sanctuaries around the world to bring awareness to their situation. By doing so, she shows their condition and how they are being helped. Nevertheless, her work also depicts the animal's fragility and vulnerability; the fact that their survival is at the whim of their human caregivers.
Trend Themes
1. Emotion-focused Photography - Opportunity for photographers to capture the emotional states of animals and humans, creating impactful portraits.
2. Environmental Awareness Through Art - Using art, such as photography, to raise awareness about the destructive impact humans have on the survival of wild creatures.
3. Animal Sanctuaries and Conservation - Growing focus on creating and supporting sanctuaries for animals and raising awareness about their vulnerable conditions.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Opportunity for photographers to explore and promote emotion-focused photography, capturing the soul of their subjects.
2. Art - Artists can use their work to address environmental issues and create a platform for raising awareness and advocating for change.
3. Animal Conservation - Increased attention on establishing and supporting animal sanctuaries, fostering conservation efforts, and promoting animal welfare.

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