Animals with Media Agents

Sam the Australian Koala is Nature World's New Superstar

Sam the Koala captured Australians’ hearts during the Victorian bush fires when firefighter David Tree stopped to give her a drink amid the devastation (second picture).

While Sam (a female Koala) has been recuperating from her bushfire injuries, she now has an agent, TressCox lawyers, to help manage her sudden rise to fame. Mr David Tree has also engaged an agent, Di Rolle, to organize his talk show schedules on German and US stations.

However, a feud has broken out between the two parties, with Sam’s agent claiming that David Tree does not have the koala’s interests at heart.

I’m sure all Sam wants to do is kick back in a gum tree and rest!
Trend Themes
1. Animal Media Management - The ability for animals to have media representation and management, creates opportunities to disrupt both the entertainment and animal welfare industries.
2. Famous Animal Controversy - Controversies arising out of the representation of famous animals provide opportunities to disrupt the entertainment, legal and animal rights industries through novel means of representation and advocacy for animal welfare.
3. Famous Animals as Social Advocates - Famous animals as social advocates provide disruptive opportunities for both the animal rights and public relations industries as a novel way to create social messaging campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment Industry - The representation and protection of famous animals provides industry opportunities for legal representation and crisis management services.
2. Legal Industry - The representation and protection of famous animals provides industry opportunities for legal representation and advocacy for animal rights.
3. Animal Welfare Industry - The representation and protection of famous animals provides industry opportunities for advocacy, awareness campaigns and fundraising activities.

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