Disturbing Packaged Meat Installations

The Animal Equality 'Human Meat' Protests Animal Slaughter

In a strong fight against the mistreatment and slaughter of animals, Animal Equality created an installation that packaged humans up as slabs of meat.

The installation took place on a public street on the national 'Day Without Meat' in Spain to protest the slavery and poor treatment of animals such as pigs, cows and poultry. Several models were dressed in nude underwear, covered in dark red fake blood and laid into gigantic Styrofoam meat containers. Then, each model was covered in plastic wrap -- with an air hole for breathing -- and branded with a "Human Meat" label sticker as though they were pieces of meat for sale at the grocery store.

The Animal Equality protest wanted to discourage people to stop consuming packaged meat.
Trend Themes
1. Plant-based Alternatives - Opportunity for creating innovative plant-based meat alternatives that can disrupt the packaged meat industry.
2. Ethical Consumption - Opportunity to develop and market ethically sourced and cruelty-free meat products that can disrupt the traditional meat industry.
3. Visual Activism - Opportunity to use visually impactful installations and demonstrations for raising awareness about animal mistreatment and promoting change in the meat industry.
Industry Implications
1. Food Packaging - Opportunity for developing new sustainable and eco-friendly packaging solutions for meat products.
2. Ethical Fashion - Opportunity for fashion industry to promote cruelty-free and sustainable fashion by using alternative materials and ethical production practices.
3. Public Activism - Opportunity to organize public demonstrations and protests to advocate for animal rights and challenge the meat industry.

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