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Angel Island Fire Photography on Flickr

Flickr is once again proving to be THE source for disaster photography as images of the Angel Island fire are spreading like wild fire on the popular photography sharing site.

As you can tell from these images, the Angel Island fire, which started on Sunday evening, grew so strong that it could be seen for miles around the San Francisco Bay area.

In fact, SF Chronicle writes that the Angel Island fire could be seen by residents in "San Francisco, Marin, Contra Costa and Alameda counties - from the hills in San Francisco, Berkeley, Oakland and El Cerrito to the shorelines along Richmond, Tiburon, Sausalito and San Francisco".

"We are seeing a silhouette of the island in flames," said Jacqueline McCrath, who was watching the fire from Telegraph Hill in San Francisco. "It's been spreading really fast - we saw a vigorous blaze at the top of the hill at first, and now it has spread across a lot of the island. It appeared very suddenly - the first thing we saw was a blazing hilltop."

Photo credit of the Angel Island fire images go to flickr users: cursaeed, BradCoy, LeeLeFever, and kbuckler.
Trend Themes
1. Disaster Photography - The use of amateur and professional photography in covering natural disasters and other emergency situations.
2. Real-time Sharing - Instantaneous uploading and sharing of images and videos through social media platforms and other online networks.
3. Live Reporting - Real-time media coverage of breaking news, natural disasters, and other significant events.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media - Enhanced real-time reporting and sharing of information in the social media industry.
2. Journalism - Improved reporting of breaking news, natural disasters, and other significant events through the use of real-time coverage.
3. Emergency Services - The use of real-time reporting and sharing of information to enhance emergency services and support during disasters and other emergencies.

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