Hybrid Fashion Smartwatches

The Guess Connect Android Wear Smartwatches Come in Two Sizes

The Guess Connect Android Wear smartwatches are a hybrid device lineup that merges timepieces with wearables in a fashionable way for both women and men to wear. Announced ahead of Baselworld 2017, the Guess Connect smartwatches are set to come in two size variants and offer a stylish hybrid device that will utilize an analog timepiece as well as digital accouterments.

The Guess Connect Android Wear smartwatches are packed with Qualcomm Snapdragon Wear 2100 processors and is set to come in a variety of different styles that liken the timepieces to existing styles from the brand.

The wearable market has experienced slower adoption rates with consumers than expected, which has seen many brands, as with the Guess Connect smartwatches, create hybrid options to satisfy consumers who want the best of both worlds.
Trend Themes
1. Hybrid Fashion Smartwatches - The merging of traditional timepieces and wearable technology presents an opportunity for fashion-forward individuals to stay connected in style.
2. Smartwatch Adaption - The slower adoption of smartwatches by consumers has led to the development of hybrid options that bridge the gap between traditional watches and wearable technology.
3. Stylish Wearables - The introduction of fashionable smartwatches like the Guess Connect Android Wear line offers consumers a stylish alternative to traditional smartwatches.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - The fashion industry can tap into the growing market of hybrid smartwatches by developing stylish and fashionable designs that appeal to consumers.
2. Technology - The technology industry has an opportunity to innovate in the wearables space by creating hybrid devices that seamlessly blend fashion and functionality.
3. Retail - Retailers can capitalize on the popularity of hybrid fashion smartwatches by offering a range of options to cater to different consumer styles and preferences.

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