Ancient Greek Sandal Skateboard

Tougher than Leather

The Tougher Than Leather skateboard by Greece is For Lovers fuses the modern sport and lifestyle of skateboarding with the ancient style of Greek handmade sandals.

You can not get any more old school than ancient Greece!

The made to order Tougher Than Leather skates are as much a fashion statement as a sport accessory.

While I love the design and vibe, I must say I wouldn't think a teenager would go for it. This is more of the style older dude who still has an active fun lifestyle and who can afford buying handmade leather products...
Trend Themes
1. Ancient-greek-inspired Skateboards - Combine the styles of ancient Greek sandals with modern skateboards to create a unique fashion statement and sport accessory
2. Handmade Leather Skateboard Accessories - Create a line of high-end leather skateboard accessories for older, affluent customers looking for a stylish twist on a classic product
3. Lifestyle-driven Athleisure Products - Incorporate fashion into athletic gear with an emphasis on lifestyle to attract older customers looking for products that reflect their interests and values
Industry Implications
1. Skateboarding - Offer a unique twist on the traditional skateboard product to attract older, fashion-focused customers
2. Fashion Accessories - Combine fashion with skateboarding accessories to appeal to stylish customers looking for high-end products
3. Athleisure - Meet the needs of older lifestyle-driven customers who value both fashion and function in their athletic gear

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