Benevolent Demon Photobombs

Aaron B. Heimlich's Statement-Making 'Shedim' Series Draws from Hebrew

While the Shedim series of altered images by Aaron B. Heimlich is trying to make a statement, the pictures are somehow comical too. Every picture gets an editing treatment, with Heimlich substituting people with a Shedim -- a funny looking, black-colored character with a pair of pointy, elongated ears.

Heimlich shares that Shedim is the Hebrew word for benevolent demon, and by featuring it, he wishes to convey the message that demons are always out there and among us, and that we should always be aware of their presence. That being said, viewers see Shedim making an appearance in all the pictures; be it in the nursery, graduation ceremony, barber shop or even in one’s home.
Trend Themes
1. Altered Reality Art - Creating art by digitally altering reality and using comical characters can attract attention and make a statement.
2. Mythological Inspired Art - Drawing inspiration from mythology to create art can bring a fresh perspective and message to traditional art.
3. Humorous Art - Incorporating humor into art can make a serious message more accessible and entertaining.
Industry Implications
1. Fine Arts - The fine arts industry can benefit from utilizing digital tools and culturally-relevant topics to create attention-grabbing and meaningful artwork.
2. Advertising - The advertising industry can use comical and relatable characters like Shedim to bring humor and attention to campaigns.
3. Publishing - Publishing industries can create illustrated books based on cultural myths and legends to diversify their content and appeal to new audiences.

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