Patterned Aerial Photography

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'Patterns From Above' is Taken From the Skies

‘Patterns from Above’ is a beautiful photography collection shot by Brent Yaggi and Sarah Hicks. The couple, who is based in Colorado, travelled across North American photographing the spaces below their Cessna 172.

The pictures illustrate how breathtaking cultivated fields, the ocean and even city streets can be from a birds-eye perspective. It's interesting to see the beauty in both man-made and natural elements possess on the planet.

The prints can be purchased on the artist’s website and they are priced at $100 per piece, which is a reasonable fee considering they are 18" x 18" and one-of-a-kind.
Trend Themes
1. Aerial Photography - There is an opportunity to create new services or develop more advanced drones and planes to take high-quality aerial photographs or videos.
2. Artistic Photography Collections - Creating artistic photography collections from unique perspectives and locations can be a new trend for photographers and artists to showcase their work.
3. Nature and Landscape Photography - Capturing and highlighting the beauty of natural and man-made landscapes from above can become a niche trend in the photography industry.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - There is an opportunity for photography companies to create new services or products that cater to the demand for unique aerial or landscape photography collections.
2. Drones and Aviation - Developing more advanced drones and aviation technology can enhance the quality and accessibility of aerial photography and videos.
3. Art and Design - There is a potential for artists and designers to incorporate aerial or landscape photography into their work, creating a new area of artistic expression.

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