High Altitude Naked Photography

Aerial Nudes by John Crawford Takes X-Rated Photos from Above

Images from elevated vantage points and nude photography come together in this photo collection titled 'Aerial Nudes' by John Crawford.

The New Zealand-based photographer captures unexpected shots of folks with no clothes on in peculiar areas. Crawford didn't randomly pick these locations but rather used them to stun people and cause them to do a double take. Each shot is carefully set up by Crawford to make his audience question what they're viewing.

Viewers can spot a naked body spread out in a starfish position, nestled in between a fleet of parking lot cars. Other photos show a naked person laying on a patch of crop field grass in the shape of a vagina. Check out the rest of the photos to see an array of funny aerial photography.
Trend Themes
1. Aerial Nude Photography - Nude photography taken from an elevated vantage point presenting new and provocative perspectives
2. Vantage Point Photography - Photography that takes advantage of unique perspectives and angles to present new ways of seeing the world
3. Shock Photography - Photography that challenges traditional norms and conventions by presenting provocative and unexpected images
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Opportunities for photographers to create visually arresting and unusual images using new techniques and technology
2. Art - Opportunities for artists to use new forms and approaches to create thought-provoking and challenging work
3. Fashion - Opportunities to challenge conventional attitudes to nudity through fashion photography, clothing design, and advertising

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