Action Movie Kid Videos

These Videos Show a Kid Living in an Effects-Heavy Action Movie World

The Action Movie Kid videos are a series of YouTube videos that show a kid who seems to be living in an action movie world.

In truth, James is just a regular kid with a pretty awesome dad. His dad Daniel Hashimoto works as an animator for the Dreamworks animation studio. When he's not working, Hashimoto takes seemingly innocuous videos of his toddler son and uses his animating skills to turn them into action movie scenes. These awesome videos have to be seen to be believed.

In one Action Movie Kid, little Daniel is seen in a Toys 'R' Us store.There's nothing strange about the scene, except for the fact that he has a light saber and seems to be destroying the store shelves, causing toys to catch fire. Another video shows Daniel stranded on a couch as lava flows into the living room. A third shows Daniel jump on a shallow puddle of water and sink right into and disappear.
Trend Themes
1. Visual Effects in Everyday Life - Opportunity for companies to create products and services that bring special effects and movie magic into the everyday lives of consumers.
2. Creative Parenting Via Social Media - Potential for businesses to create platforms or tools that empower parents to showcase their creative parenting skills and capture memorable moments.
3. Augmented Reality Play Experiences - Possibility for industries to develop augmented reality play experiences that blend virtual elements with real-world scenarios, turning everyday situations into exciting adventures.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Disruptive innovation opportunities for entertainment companies to leverage visual effects and create immersive experiences for audiences.
2. Technology - Potential for tech companies to develop tools and platforms that enable users to easily add visual effects to their videos and photos, democratizing the creation process.
3. Parenting - Opportunity for parenting brands to create products and services that help parents nurture their children's creativity and turn everyday moments into magical experiences.

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