Digital Concert Tours

!JP Take Fans On The ‘Rare Raw' Tour Strictly on the Internet

After the digital revolution of Radiohead and their album download adventure, former avant garde singer !JP takes music on the internet one step further: the online tour.

Not only the Online European Playground, the forthcoming new !JP album, will be an adventure to witness online, but his new tour, the Rare Raw, will also be performed on the internet only. Live performances will be taped on the spot and will be beamed directly to computers the world over.

The idea is to perform for a small group of fans and friends somewhere on the planet and through the latest techniques, these performances will be broadcast on the internet. In between his work as an actor in numerous new films and on stage musicals, frontman Jean Koning will be digitally touring all over the world to beam these performances onto the web. Every performance will be a unique one. Diverse in setting, concept and set list.

Currently in preparation, the Rare Raw tour will commence somewhere in the final five months of this year.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Concerts - Opportunities for musicians to reach wider audiences and perform for fans globally through the use of technology.
2. Remote Performances - Using live streaming and other digital techniques, artists can perform from anywhere to reach audiences worldwide.
3. Interactive Music Experiences - The ability to offer personalized experiences for fans, such as behind-the-scenes access, exclusive content, and virtual meet-and-greets.
Industry Implications
1. Music Industry - The music industry has the opportunity to integrate virtual and remote performances more widely, particularly for musicians who cannot tour or travel extensively.
2. Technology Industry - The technology industry can continue to develop tools and applications that enable remote and interactive music experiences, providing new revenue opportunities.
3. Entertainment Industry - The entertainment industry can leverage virtual and remote performances to offer unique experiences to fans, create new revenue streams, and broaden their reach globally.

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