Knitted 3D Digital Art

These Vivid Digital Designs Resemble Realistic Photographs

Swedish graphic designer and director Jon Noorlander's new series of 3D digital artwork is entitled 'Knitted' and it truly lives up to its name.

While at first glance these 3D digital artworks look like different-colored threads thrown together and shot with a camera, they are actually composed on computer software. The digital photos are extremely bright and showcase movement and chaos in their unique composition. With varying color schemes, these designs look like 3D knitted sculptures rather than digitally composed images.

Each image invokes the imagination -- with the bright multicolored images looking like capillaries in the human body, and the blue and orange images looking like an ocean wave or something you would find under the sea. It is clear that the artist took great pride in the level of detail it required to create these images.
Trend Themes
1. 3D Digital Art - The rise of 3D digital art as a viable form of digital expression and advertising.
2. Digital Texturing - The application of knitting-like patterns and textures in 3D digital artwork.
3. Human Anatomy - The use of knitted and thread-like patterns to depict human anatomy in 3D digital artwork.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Using 3D digital art in advertising campaigns for fashion, beauty and home decor brands.
2. Art and Design - The demand for more 3D digital art for design and interior decoration purposes.
3. Entertainment - Utilising 3D digital art for backgrounds, animation and production design for films, TV shows and video games.

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