Endurance Eco Initiatives

Al Gore Teams Up With 23 Activists for 24 Hours of Reality

Five years after the documentary 'An Inconvenient Truth' showed us how dramatic scissor lifts can be, the eco crusader and former vice president Al Gore is set to strike again with '24 Hours of Reality.' The event will include presentations given by Gore and 23 other citizen activists. The talks will take place over the span of 24 hours throughout 24 times zones in 13 languages. The event can be viewed via live stream on Sept. 14.

With '24 Hours of Reality' Gore hopes to address what he calls, the "new normal." He, once again, points a finger at oil companies and other emissions-happy corporations for sweeping the issue of climate change under the rug. He claims these companies distract our attention from the increasing extremes of our weather. This is a heavy charge indeed, but it's hard to deny that our weather has been a bit wonkier than usual this year. Texas had its hottest weather on record this year and Japan was met with a tsunami. If the movie 'Twister' gives you the willies, then tune in to '24 Hours of Reality.'
Trend Themes
1. Climate Activism - The increasing awareness on environmental issues can open up disruptive innovation opportunities in the renewable energy, sustainable fashion and recycling industries.
2. Virtual Events - Virtual events like '24 Hours of Reality' are paving the way for new business models and opportunities for companies in the technology and media industries to capitalize on this trend.
3. Corporate Sustainability - With the increasing pressure on corporations to address environmental issues, there is an opportunity for the development of new sustainable technologies, renewable energy sources, and eco-friendly manufacturing processes across various industries such as oil and gas, manufacturing, and transportation.
Industry Implications
1. Renewable Energy - The renewable energy industry has the potential to grow with the increasing adoption of environmentally friendly and sustainable practices in energy generation and distribution.
2. Sustainable Fashion - The sustainable fashion industry is set to boom as consumers become more socially and environmentally responsible in their purchasing decisions.
3. Recycling - The recycling industry will continue to gain traction as more companies and consumers prioritize waste reduction and diversion from landfills.

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