Pizza-Themed Gift Catalogs

Boston Pizza's 2021 Holiday Wish List Shares Only Pizza-Inspired Items

Pizza is the heart and soul of Boston Pizza and this beloved comfort food is also at the center of the 2021 Holiday Wish List, which is entirely filled with pizza-inspired gifts. This catalog of 20 curated pizza-themed gift items ranges from the BP SnowScooter with pizza slices for skis and the Parma Snow Globe.

In addition to being pizza-themed, the items have a decidedly 80s and 90s twist, and the catalog speaks to Millennials who found joy in flipping through holiday catalogs in the days of their youth. James Kawalecki, VP Marketing at Boston Pizza, says "There’s a deep emotional connection to that routine that’s been lost in the digital age. We wanted to tap into those nostalgic feelings and put our messaging right into that headspace, but in a Boston Pizza way."
Trend Themes
1. Pizza-themed Gift Catalogs - The trend towards pizza-inspired gifts represents an opportunity for retailers to capitalize on the emotional connection consumers have to nostalgic items.
2. Nostalgic Marketing - The use of nostalgia in marketing campaigns is becoming increasingly popular as brands seek to tap into consumers' emotional connections to the past.
3. Retro-inspired Merchandise - The popularity of retro-themed merchandise, such as the 80s and 90s-inspired items in Boston Pizza's holiday catalog, presents opportunities for retailers to cater to consumers' sense of nostalgia.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - The pizza-themed gift trend can be capitalized on by retail brands looking to offer unique and nostalgic items that resonate with consumers.
2. Food and Beverage - Food and beverage brands can partner with retailers to offer pizza-themed products and capitalize on consumers' emotional connection to the beloved comfort food.
3. Marketing and Advertising - The use of nostalgia in marketing campaigns presents opportunities for marketing and advertising professionals to create campaigns that resonate with consumers' emotions and memories.

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