Apocalyptic Home Guides

This Infographic Explains Measures That Make a Zombie Proof House

If you want a zombie proof house, this infographic provides information and tips that serve as a great starting point. From ForRent.com, the chart 'Zombie Proof Your Apartment' is relevant to all those who believe the zombie apocalypse is not a matter of 'if,' but 'when.' Without modern luxuries or even electricity, surviving the apocalypse is likely going to require some impressive DIY skills according to the guide.

The infographic identifies three different kinds of zombies and rates their risk to apartment dwellers. Beginning with the door, a zombie proof house is best protected with a steel door with a bar lock compared to a MDF or solid wood door, not to mention traditional knobs, security chains or deadbolts. The chart also covers windows, stockpiling food and supplies, battling the undead and plotting roof-based escapes.
Trend Themes
1. Apocalyptic Home Defense - Opportunities for home security and disaster preparedness products and services aimed at zombie and other apocalyptic scenarios.
2. Survivalist Housing Solutions - Innovations in modular, off-grid or self-contained housing structures designed for emergency situations.
3. DIY Apocalypse Preparation - New platforms, events and online communities for experts and amateur preppers to share skills, resources and best practices.
Industry Implications
1. Real Estate - Disruptive innovation for disaster-ready properties and apartment complexes with features such as reinforced doors, window shutters and independent power systems.
2. Home Improvement - Opportunities for home builders, architects and contractors to offer apocalypse-proof design services and materials.
3. Survival Gear - Innovations in off-grid living supplies, emergency shelters and survival kits tailored for different disaster scenarios.

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