Undead A-Listers (UPDATE)

These Zombie Celebrity Photographs are Famously Frightening

Never say never: celebrities can turn into zombies too.

These thrilling photographs have obviously been edited, yet will still make you laugh to death. The artist who tampered with these fierce photos chose a variety of notable celebrities to focus on and then killed them with a computer. We often see celebs looking their best at awards shows and in magazines; now we are finally able to poke a little fun at these frothing brain-feasting zombies.

See Lady Gaga stand up for her immortal audience as she states that she was "born this way." And although we know Kanye preached about gold diggers in his human days, he looks more like a grave digger now. Take a peek at these hilarious zombie celebrity photographs! Just don't get too close -- you don't want to hear Britney singing "Oops, I bit it again."
Trend Themes
1. Zombie Celebrity Trend - Opportunity for creating zombie-themed merchandise featuring famous celebrities.
2. Humorous Photo Editing Trend - Potential for photo editing apps or platforms that allow users to create funny and imaginative edits of celebrity photos.
3. Subversive Art Trend - Space for artists to explore unconventional and thought-provoking concepts by subverting traditional celebrity imagery.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment Industry - Opportunity for creating zombie-themed movies, TV shows, or video games featuring popular celebrities as zombies.
2. E-commerce Industry - Market potential for selling zombie-themed merchandise like t-shirts, posters, and collectibles featuring edited celebrity photographs.
3. Mobile App Industry - Demand for photo editing apps that cater to users who want to create humorous and imaginative edits of celebrity photos.

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