Built-In Hammock Desks

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The Zevaka Table by Yaroslav Misonzhnikov is Made for College Students

There are multifunctional pieces of furniture and then there is the Zevaka Table, which not only toggles between different purposes, but is specifically geared towards a group of individuals. Made for college students, the Zevaka Table keeps in mind their hectic schedules, technological needs and even their sexual pastimes. Yes, it comes with a 'condom box' for discreet storage.

Created by Saint Petersburg-based designer Yaroslav Misonzhnikov, the Zevaka Table was recently part of the 2012 Saloni Satelite Worldwide Moscow. Although impressive on many levels, two features in particular stick out. The first is the built-in hammock that is revealed when the top is lifted for those late night study sessions. The second is the ceramic tiles beneath the table to stick gum on without dire consequences.
Trend Themes
1. Multifunctional Furniture - The Zevaka Table's ability to toggle between different purposes demonstrates the trend of multifunctional furniture.
2. Student-centric Design - The Zevaka Table's focus on college students' needs and schedules highlights the trend of student-centric design.
3. Discreet Storage Solutions - The inclusion of a 'condom box' in the Zevaka Table presents a trend towards discreet storage solutions.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Manufacturing - The Zevaka Table showcases potential for disruptive innovation in the furniture manufacturing industry.
2. Higher Education - The student-centric design of the Zevaka Table suggests opportunities for disruptive innovation in the higher education industry.
3. Home Storage Solutions - The discreet storage features of the Zevaka Table indicate potential for disruptive innovation in the home storage solutions industry.

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