Insanely Long Insects

'Phobaeticus chani' is the Length of Your Arm

This is enough to give anyone the creeps. A recently-identified stick insect from the island of Borneo hqw been declared the world's longest insect. It measures in at almost the length of a human arm.

The specimen was found by a local villager and handed to Malaysian amateur naturalist Datuk Chan Chew Lun in 1989. It has only now received the attention such a bizarre insect discovery deserves.

The dull-green insect measures about 22 inches if you count its legs. The Phobaeticus chani is now a part of the Natural History Museum's "Creepy Crawlies" gallery--the musueum's PR machine that raises awareness of this discovery.
Trend Themes
1. Giant Insect - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop new and improved methods for studying and understanding the behavior and biology of giant insects.
2. Biodiversity Exploration - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create advanced technologies to facilitate the discovery and documentation of new species in remote and unexplored regions.
3. Nature Conservation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Implement innovative conservation strategies to protect and preserve unique and endangered species like the Phobaeticus chani.
Industry Implications
1. Biological Research - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop cutting-edge tools and techniques to advance the field of biological research, focusing on insect study and taxonomy.
2. Environmental Science - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Apply technological advancements to enhance environmental monitoring and conservation efforts in biodiversity hotspots.
3. Natural History Museums - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Embrace digital transformation to provide immersive and interactive exhibits showcasing unique natural specimens like the Phobaeticus chani.

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