Infinite Rice Rugs

Unlimited Ocean by Wolfgang Laib is Beautifully Enormous

Patience and dedication are good words to describe the project by German artist Wolfgang Laib titled Unlimited Ocean. Consisting of 30,000 piles of rice and seven of pollen, this art installation is currently exhibited at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Simple but mesmerizing, this work is based on concepts of spirituality and simplicity. For its creations, Laib secluded himself and several SAIC alumni for ten days to create each tiny dune of rice. There is nothing loud or extraordinary occurring during the exhibition; however, the large union of grains and the white color create an infinite surface of peace and tranquility, creating an area of harmony and meditation.

The Unlimited Ocean by Wolfgang Laib covers all the Sullivan North Gallery in Chicago, and it will be displayed until December 23, 2011.
Trend Themes
1. Spiritual Art Installations - Artists are creating installations that evoke spirituality and simplicity, providing viewers with a sense of peace and tranquility.
2. Minimalistic Design - Artists are embracing minimalistic design to create captivating and mesmerizing works of art.
3. Artistic Seclusion - Artists are secluding themselves to focus on their creative process, resulting in unique and thought-provoking artworks.
Industry Implications
1. Art Galleries - Art galleries can showcase spiritual art installations to provide visitors with a serene and meditative experience.
2. Interior Design - Interior designers can incorporate minimalistic art installations into spaces to create a calm and tranquil atmosphere.
3. Art Education - Art education institutions can encourage artists to seclude themselves during the creative process, fostering innovative and introspective artworks.

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