Wig Addiction

Britney Spears Is Hooked On Wigs

Britney Spears seems to have acquired a new addiction whilst in rehab - she's addicted to buying and wearing wigs. Since she shaved off all her lovely locks, Britney has played around with transitional looks and has run up quite a tab in the process: one report claims that Britney spent $60,000 shopping for wigs and accessories in the span of one month!

Implications - The featured images show Britney in a glorious granny-looking wig that is platinum blonde and is styled in a bob with full bangs. The fact that it is a wig is almost painfully obvious. Hopefully Britney will stop "wigging" out and start making music again soon!
Trend Themes
1. Wig Addiction - The rise of celebrities wearing wigs is leading to increased sales of wigs by wig makers.
2. Transformative Hair Trends - The popularity of wearing wigs and hair extensions is providing opportunities for innovative hair care companies to create more versatile and convenient hair styling alternatives.
3. E-commerce Hair Retail - Digital retailers can take advantage of the growing wig trend to sell wigs online and create platforms that allow for more personalized and convenient hair shopping experiences.
Industry Implications
1. Hair and Beauty Industry - The hair and beauty industry can capitalize on the wig trend by developing new, innovative hair products such as more realistic-looking wigs and more unique wig styles.
2. Fashion and Entertainment Industry - The entertainment and fashion industry can partner with wig makers to create new and innovative looks for performers, actors and models to wear for runways, performances and even everyday appearances.
3. E-commerce Retail Industry - Online retailers can innovate the hair retail industry by offering personalized wig styling and customization services online.

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