Orange Art

What Can You Make With Half a Million Oranges?

Have you ever wondered what you could do with like about a half a million oranges? You could build something cool and post the pictures to the Internet. Enjoy these cool works of art made entirely from real oranges.

Implications - These works are indeed made from real oranges, signifying a shift in art and creativity as a whole. In today's society, social media and blogging has encouraged the average consumer to foster their creativity, giving way for a new kind of self expression. This makes it much more difficult for the official artist to set themselves apart, causing them to find new areas to innovate in, including the concept of mediums.
Trend Themes
1. Edible Art - With the rise of social media and an emphasis on creativity, there is a growing trend of creating art out of edible materials, such as the half a million oranges used in these art installations.
2. Alternative Mediums - The use of non-traditional materials, such as fruits and vegetables, in art installations opens up new opportunities for creative expression and redefines what is considered a 'medium' in the world of art.
3. Social Media Art - The popularity of these orange art installations on social media highlights the growing trend of creating art specifically for online sharing and viral appeal.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art world can take inspiration from these orange art installations and experiment with alternative mediums to create new and innovative works.
2. Agriculture - With the use of half a million oranges in these art installations, there is a potential opportunity for the agriculture industry to explore new markets for excess produce.
3. Food and Beverage - The concept of using fruits and vegetables as art materials creates new marketing opportunities for food and beverage companies looking to promote their products in unique ways.

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