Contemporary For-Benefit E-Commerce

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We See Beauty Tries to Sell Coop-Made Products with Visuals

If you're into aesthetics and design, you'll appreciate We See Beauty for, well, its beauty. The Visions part of its website digs into the visuality of positive social change -- with an entrepreneurial twist. But more than that, however, the social business attempts to use its space primarily as a marketplace in order to support cooperatives by selling artisan-made products.

MAKE is the company's own line of cosmetics products, which recently launched a collection called New Medieval, which was a joint venture by Ayami Nishimura, a make-up artist, and Faye Toogood, a furniture and interior designer who lives and works in London, United Kingdom.

One-third of all sales will go to the We See Beauty Foundation, which is a business incubator for worker cooperatives that are owned by women

Contact Information
We See Beauty website
We See Beauty on Facebook
We See Beauty on Twitter
We See Beauty on Pinterest
Trend Themes
1. Socially Responsible E-commerce - There is an opportunity for e-commerce businesses to focus on promoting socially responsible products and supporting cooperatives.
2. Creative Collaborations - Collaborating with artists and designers can lead to unique product lines that attract consumers looking for something different.
3. Business Incubation for Cooperatives - Providing incubator programs and resources for cooperatives can help grow the sector and create new opportunities for socially responsible businesses.
Industry Implications
1. E-commerce - E-commerce businesses can leverage the trend of socially responsible purchasing by promoting and partnering with cooperatives.
2. Art and Design - Artists and designers can collaborate with businesses to create unique and visually appealing socially responsible products.
3. Business Incubation - Developing programs and support for worker cooperatives can help create a more socially responsible and inclusive economy.

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