Sacrificial Water Campaigns

This Water Challenge Asks You To Give Up All Other Types of Beverages

In an effort to provide access to clean drinking water in sub-Saharan Africa, this water challenge is trying to get people to give by giving up. The Water Project is asking people to only drink water for two weeks and donate the money they save on juice, coffee, sodas and other beverages to water projects.

In North America drinking water is clear, readily available and relatively inexpensive. By participating in The Water Project's Water Challenge, you will also receive a band that acts as both a reminder of your commitment as well as a way to raise awareness. If you give to their organization you can also see the project you helped build in 8 to 12 months on their site.
Trend Themes
1. Sacrificial Water Challenges - Charitable campaigns that encourage people to give up other drinks and drink only water to raise money for clean water projects in sub-Saharan Africa.
2. Water Project Donations - Donations to water projects in sub-Saharan Africa in exchange for drinking only water for a set period (e.g. two weeks).
3. Water Awareness Campaigns - Campaigns designed to raise awareness of the global water crisis and the ways individuals can make a difference.
Industry Implications
1. Nonprofit - Nonprofit organizations focused on providing clean water access in sub-Saharan Africa.
2. Beverage - Beverage companies seeking to create charitable partnerships that encourage customers to switch to drinking water, and therefore decrease consumption of other beverages.
3. Awareness - Organizations that promote awareness of global water scarcity and the issues of access to clean water in underprivileged areas around the globe.

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