Canteen Pill Packaging

This Water Bottle Pill Package Makes Carrying Medication Convenient

Consumers have come to see more creative concepts for medicinal packaging, and this water bottle pill bottle is one prime example. The project by Anna Shkarina of Moscow, Russia proposes a way to make basic remedies more integrated into daily life, so that a mere dry cough won't slow a person down.

Avoiding the clinical-looking container, this designer copied the appearance of the common aluminum water bottle, complete with the closed-loop cap that can be connected to a carabiner. The finished product looks more like a miniature canteen than a pillbox. The Omnitus design concept could be clipped onto a bag or a belt loop to keep the cough drops handy, and the water bottle pill holder can be reused later –– perhaps for a single swig of H2O to get the dosage down.
Trend Themes
1. Medicine Packaging Innovation - Innovative packaging designs like the water bottle pill package are becoming more popular as consumers demand more creative ways to integrate basic remedies into their daily lives.
2. Discreet Medication Storage - Designs that mimic everyday objects, like the canteen pill packaging, are becoming popular as consumers seek more discreet ways to carry medication.
3. Sustainable Medicine Packaging - The idea of using reusable items, like the water bottle pill holder, could lead to a bigger trend of sustainable medicine packaging options.
Industry Implications
1. Pharmaceuticals - Pharmaceutical companies could capitalize on the trend for innovative medication packaging, creating unique designs for their products.
2. Consumer Goods - Consumer goods companies could explore the development of discreet medication storage products, like the canteen pill packaging, that blend in with everyday items.
3. Eco-friendly Products - Companies specializing in environmentally friendly products could capitalize on the trend for sustainable medicine packaging, developing reusable items like the water bottle pill holder.

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