Trashy Cuisine Shows

Waste Cooking Focuses on Dumpster Divers and Freeganism

Waste Cooking is the newest reality television show to hit Austrian airwaves. It centers around the idea of cooking food found in trash cans. A practice more common than some might believe, it has brought about such terms as 'dumpster divers' and 'freeganism.' While the former is quite obvious, referring to those that dig through dumpsters for food, the latter may be a little more foreign. Essentially, Waste Cooking sheds light on a culinary lifestyle in which 'freegans' dine on discarded food.

Utterly enlightening, Waste Cooking shows the massive amounts of waste that occurs on a daily basis. Rummaging through organic waste bins, "divers gather an impressive haul of pristine fruits, vegetables, cheese and other foods, packaged or not," according to the producers of Waste Cooking.
Trend Themes
1. Waste Cooking - The trend of cooking food found in trash cans or commonly known as 'dumpster divers' and 'freeganism'.
2. Reducing Food Waste - The trend of reducing food waste through creative and innovative ways.
3. Sustainable Eating - The trend of adopting sustainable practices in cooking and eating, including using locally sourced ingredients and reducing food waste.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - Opportunities for restaurants to adopt practices that reduce food waste through food creativity and innovation.
2. Television and Entertainment - Opportunities for the production of eco-friendly programs that promote responsible living and sustainable practices.
3. Agriculture and Farming - Opportunities for farms to adopt sustainable farming practices that minimize food waste and use locally sourced ingredients.

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