Purposely Lackluster Video Games

'Waiting In Line 3D' Encourages You to Practice Your Patience

Boring reaches new heights with 'Waiting In line 3D,' the newest browser game that purposely isn't all the rage.

It this game you will literally bore your player to death for he is actually waiting in line the entire game. Not once does your player move except for the moments you make him jump to see how much longer he'll be waiting and punch himself in the face to keep him awake. Game designers Rajeev Basu and Patrick T. deliberately made this game unsatisfying to encourage the idea of an 'anti-viral,' to make a game so very boring it can be interesting.

I don't know how well this game would actually do if taken seriously, but Waiting In Line 3D is a perfect way to practice your patience.
Trend Themes
1. Purposeful Boredom - Creating intentionally lackluster experiences to challenge traditional expectations and engage audiences in unexpected ways.
2. Anti-viral Gaming - Designing video games with intentionally boring and unappealing elements, challenging the notion of what makes a game enjoyable and engaging.
3. Patience Training - Developing games that require players to actively practice patience and endurance as a core gameplay mechanic.
Industry Implications
1. Video Game Development - Opportunity to explore new avenues of game design that defy conventional trends and expectations.
2. Entertainment - Creating unconventional and thought-provoking experiences that challenge traditional notions of entertainment and engage audiences in unique ways.
3. Wellness and Self-improvement - Using gaming as a tool for personal growth and development, promoting the practice of patience and mindfulness.

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