Profane Beer Commercials

YouTube User RoboJules Creats a Vulgar Pabst Blue Ribbon Ad

If you wanted to drink a Heineken before this ad, perhaps Dennis Hopper telling you to "*#@%& that $^@&" in these vulgar Pabst Blue Ribbon ads will change your mind. YouTube user RoboJules has sampled some footage from the movie ‘Blue Velvet’ to produce a Pabst Blue Ribbon ad that is hilarious.

Whether these vulgar Pabst Blue Ribbon ads would actually be used by the company is a different story (my guess is probably not). The ad also includes the slogan "Because Heineken is for pussies," which has yet to be proven scientifically.
Trend Themes
1. Vulgar Beervertising - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the beer advertising industry by challenging traditional norms and using edgy, provocative content.
2. User-generated Advertising - Potential for disruptive innovation in the marketing industry as more individuals create their own ads and share them online, bypassing traditional channels.
3. Humor as a Marketing Strategy - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in the advertising industry by incorporating humor and irreverence to capture audience attention and create memorable campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Beer - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the beer industry by reimagining traditional beer advertising and challenging established brand perceptions.
2. Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the marketing industry by embracing user-generated content and exploring unconventional advertising tactics.
3. Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunities in the advertising industry by experimenting with humor-based campaigns and pushing boundaries of traditional advertising standards.

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