Face-Covering Mustache Ads

The VML Movember 2013 Campaign Promotes Charitable Hilarity

Growing an epic 'stache can be a reward in and of itself as the VML Movember 2013 ad campaign points out. But it also shows how much more meaningful it is when its growth runs in tangent with a charitable cause. Who cares if it overtakes a man's face when it can save lives one hair at a time.

Conceived and executed by VML team itself, the VML Movember 2013 ad campaign was art directed by Ethan Tedlock with photography by Matt Mooney. It shows men's faces completely covered by their impressive mustaches. Slogans such as "Ride the fine line between porn star and philanthropist" and "Anyone can wear a ribbon, few are dedicated enough to grow their own." Colorful and creative, it'll inspire a few chuckles.
Trend Themes
1. Charitable Advertising - Opportunity for businesses to create ad campaigns that align with charitable causes.
2. Creative Mustache Marketing - Opportunity for businesses to incorporate mustaches in their marketing strategies for a fun and memorable brand image.
3. Humorous Philanthropy - Opportunity for businesses to use humor to promote philanthropic efforts and engage with customers.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Opportunity for advertising agencies to create innovative campaigns that combine humor, charity, and creativity.
2. Marketing - Opportunity for marketers to utilize unique and unconventional visual elements, like mustaches, to create engaging campaigns.
3. Non-profit - Opportunity for non-profit organizations to partner with businesses and utilize humor to promote their causes.

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