Bent Nail Personifications

Vlad Artazov Transforms Tools Into Living Beings

This collection of nail art from Vlad Artazov is awkwardly cute. Associating the word ‘cute’ to household tools sounds weird, but this arrangement really gives the nails life.

The assortment of pictures shows bent nails living regular lives and partaking in regular activities. Some of the pictures display the nails with emotion (not facial expressions as you probably guessed…use your imagination).

Personification is always a great form of expression and these quirky little nails from Vlad Artazov definitely exemplify creativity.
Trend Themes
1. Personification Art - Opportunity for artists to create whimsical and imaginative art by personifying inanimate objects.
2. Awkward Cutification - Chance for marketers to create unconventional product campaigns that depict awkward objects as cute and personable.
3. Upcycling Crafts - Potential for craft-makers to upcycle ordinary household items into works of art by personifying them and adding character.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Opportunity for the art industry to showcase unconventional forms of expression through personified objects.
2. Marketing - Potential for the marketing industry to elevate products and services by creating unconventional and whimsical campaigns using personified objects.
3. Crafts - Chance for the craft industry to inspire a new wave of upcycling ideas that involve personifying household tools and items.

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