Denial-Based Alternate Endings

Ozzy Man Offers HBO Suggestions For The Viper and The Mountain

After a very upsetting and graphic end to the most recently aired episode of Game of Thrones entitled The Viper and The Mountain, one fan took it upon himself to suggest an alternative ending to HBO.

YouTube's Ozzy Man lists eight suggestions how the duel between The Viper and The Mountain could have ended in Oberyn vs The Mountain (Denial Version). Firstly, he asks the music of Hans Zimmer be used. General tightening of the scene would also be preferable, with strategic use of slow motion effects. Other tips include a romantic happy ending and having Ser Pounce land on King Tommen's lap.

With Tyrion's fate hinging on the result, the duel had everyone watching very tense.
Trend Themes
1. Alternate Endings - Creating opportunities for interactive storytelling and personalized endings may lead to increased viewer engagement and satisfaction.
2. User-suggested Plot Twists - Incorporating fan feedback and ideas for alternate plotlines may lead to more compelling and crowd-pleasing content.
3. Niche Content Creation - Catering to specific fan bases with video content that caters to their preferences and commentary has the potential to build loyal and passionate communities.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - Innovation in alternate and personalized endings can help increase viewer engagement and retention in the streaming and video industry.
2. Marketing and Advertising - Brand collaborations with creators who provide interactive content and user-influenced narratives can lead to more memorable brand experiences and viral campaigns.
3. Media Production - The rise of user-generated content and interactive storytelling requires a shift in content creation processes and business models for media production companies and studios.

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